Crown Featured
2023. 02. 22 – 2023. 02. 26
Known as Korea's largest high-living fair, the Seoul Living Design Fair 2023 used the entirety of Seoul’s vast COEX building as its canvas, giving viewers the opportunity to place their fingers on the pulse of the trends that flow through the furniture, interior, textiles, and fashion fields. Every year, talented designers and high-end brands celebrate their creative journey together toward ever-greater art.
Moving a step beyond simply appreciating products, the Seoul Living Design Fair encompasses seminars and special exhibitions that include condensed forms of recent trends. Get a glimpse of the myriad of colors that the show incorporates and learn why it’s known as one of the world’s top-five high-living fairs.
Opening this time under the themes of “small” and “art,” the Seoul Living Design Fair 2023 featured a speech from an experimental viewpoint by GamFratesi, a design duo that has drawn worldwide attention. Along with this came the appearance of major British heritage brands as well as watchmaking brands that showcased sophisticated movements to share in a form of aesthetic communion in celebration of the 140th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Britain.
Fragment of Lines rhythmically unfolds the mystery of the line: an organic formative element inherent in general human experience via spatial drawings. The indescribable elegance of the curve and the myriad of shapes outside the line observed on the other side express the joy of everyday life that the average person has been unable to successfully seek out.
Transforming into an infinite form based on its viewer’s gaze, Crown Goose’s New Art Foundation presents a philosophical perspective that transcends the field of high-living through abstract gestures, imbuing everyday life with an advanced level of beauty.
Royal warrant brand Crown Goose is known for sublimating everything that holds life within it into a single work of art and imbuing every space it touches with pure vitality. Let Crown Goose help you escape to world of elegance held together by poetic emotion.
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