Posted on by CROWN GOOSE Team

To celebrate Crown Goose’s collaboration with the 5-star Hotel, Nest Hotel, we’re offering limited-edition gifts to Crown Goose and Nest Hotel customers.
Created with the theme of “the turbulence of nature,” Nest Hotel takes a step beyond the level of a relaxing hotel to become a trip destination. Hotel’s exquisite view of the West Sea is hotel’s special feature. 
The Presidential Suite of Nest Hotel, the Patio Suite gets its allure from Crown Goose bedding. Crown Goose’s masterfully embroidered design will capture your mind. The design was inspired by the dignity of Josephine, the first Empress of France, offering an enrapturing experience during stay at Nest Hotel.
Crown Goose offers a variety of luxury lifestyles as we provide bedding products to private aircrafts, yachts, 5 star hotels and mansions. We will keep endeavoring to create luxury lifestyle spaces for our clients.