Posted on by CROWN GOOSE Team


Nabi Artist Residency 


Artist_ Mark IJzerman, Nihat Karatasli


Sponsoring Nabi Artist Residency 2017,
Crown Goose gathered an international cast of artists
to share new ideas and experiences
and interpret our world through many minds.

HEY M*N!, 2017
Nihat Karatasli

3D-printed PLA, Steel, Video

The works of Nihat Karatasli explore the boundaries of the imaginary and tangible.
His installation art displayed during the exhibition utilizes the 3D printer and video to explore the interactions within social media and mass media. His work question the standard of perspectives formed and evolved by the crowd. In our world today, our conversations are decreasingly private, and judgment comes from the abyss--from voices, we have never heard and faces we have never seen.

Time Shift, 2017
Mark IJzeram

Sound, RFID tags, electronics, wood
Photos by Sebastien Robert

Mark IJzeram is a sound artist and interactive system designer. During this exhibition, he explores the acoustic ecology through a unique audio photobook. By combining photos from 2016 with the sounds of 2017, he creates a fault in perspective and of time. While the pictures are printed on the book, the sounds and noises change with each turn of the page.

CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017
CROWN GOOSE ART FOUNDATION Nabi Artist Residency 2017

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