Crown Featured
2021. 02. 24 – 02. 26
Los Angeles, USA

Global luxury goose down bedding brand Crown Goose participated in “LA TEXTILE” hosted in Los Angeles, the city of angels and the final destination of the super-rich of the world and the industry of cultural arts. LA TEXTILE leads the global trend of international trade, culture, and media and works together with experts including trend analyst Peclers Paris and over 7,000 global fashion brands to establish a new mega trend in fashion.

At the heart of the LA fashion district lies California Market Center, home of LA TEXTILE since 1993. With its exclusive and luxury bedding collection, Crown Goose set itself apart from other participants, providing a source of inspiration to living brands gathered from around the globe.

In continuation of its journey in the field of living arts following the participation in the world-class living arts fairs of MAISON & OBJECT PARIS, TOP DRAWER LONDON and NEW YORK NOW, Crown Goose joined LA TEXTILE, and is determined to showcase further in the global arena the luxurious lifestyle of artistic values infused in our daily lives.