2021. 08.02
Global luxury bedding brand Crown Goose presents special gifts to our online customers who have made purchases for Royal Wedding & Wedding Collection products in celebration of launching <2021 GOLF CLASSIC CROWN GOOSE INVITATIONAL>, a private event just for our Club Crown VIP members.
The annually held Crown Goose Invitational has been attended by our Club Crown VIP members including global IT company CEOs, 5-star hotel owners, political and business leaders, and most renowned professors from prestigious universities.
Supported by Fujikura, the world’s top-3 driver shaft brand chosen by top-ranked PGA players including the 2020 Masters champion Dustin Johnson, Crown Goose has presented our Club Crown VIP members with the utmost unique experience at this year’s fabulous golf rounding held on the vast fairway.
With the everlasting, genuine luxury that has been pursued from the past, present, and will advance into the future, global luxury bedding brand Crown Goose promises to provide the most luxurious array of cultural and art sports events catered to the nobility and prestige of our top 0.01% VIP customers.